Weekly Photo Challenge: An Unusual POV

This week’s challenge is about an unusual point of view – your own unique way of looking at the world.

Challenge yourself to rethink your ideas about what subjects are appropriate, and then challenge yourself again to find an unusual perspective on your subject“.

Unusual POV - Red Flower

Instead of taking the usual angle from the top, I have opted to go right to the bottom of the flower. This shows us the beauty of the stalk and the base that holds the petals altogether.

Unusual POV - Mountain

A comparison in size of the foreground’s monument with the magnificent mountain in the background.

Unusual POV - Textured Lamp

Cutting off part of the lamp to focus on its textures and the background’s horizontal lines.

Unusual POV - Stairs

Taken from a non-straightforward angle to give a different perspective of how we usually view the stairs.

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Some other response to the Weekly Photo Challenge: An Unusual POV


Diary of Dennis

Megan Elizabeth